Restorative Dentistry At
The Priory Dental Practice Harborne - Harborne & Edgbaston

As dentists we always encourage our patients to look after their teeth however, problems can still occur - often due to general wear and tear. If we identify a dental problem we will use the most effective technique to restore your tooth or teeth. The Priory Dental Practice Harborne offers a wide range of restorative treatments including white fillings, dental crowns, dental implants and dental bridges.


E-max Crowns

A dental crown is a tooth shaped cap that is placed onto your existing tooth. Crowns are used to restore damaged, weakened or heavily restored teeth.

The all-ceramic E-max crown has many advantages over traditional crowns. Besides its high aesthetic qualities, the function and longevity of the crown is excellent as well.

E-max is a system of crown fabrication which allows a crown to be made without the metal under structure. Traditionally, crowns are made by bonding the porcelain to a metal support, the drawback is that unlike a natural tooth which exhibits a certain degree of translucency, the metal framework under the porcelain blocks out the light.

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White Fillings

Fillings are one of the most basic methods of restoring teeth. They do exactly what their name suggests – they fill a hole in the tooth that has been caused by decay and they play an important role in helping us keep a tooth for many more years.

In the past, fillings were always made from either gold or a silver-coloured alloy called amalgam. Both of these materials are extremely durable and in some cases, they are still the best choice available.

Amalgam fillings do however have one disadvantage – they do not match your natural white teeth in appearance. We can replace your amalgam fillings with a composite (white) filling, giving you a more natural smile.

The treatment itself is very simple, and it can normally be done in just one simple appointment with your dentist. It requires your dentist to first match the colour of the composite resin with the rest of your teeth. This will ensure that the smile will be consistent and look as natural as possible. The resin will then be placed into the area required and moulded and set into the correct shape.

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Dental Implants

Dental implants provide a long-lasting solution to missing teeth, and as they are firmly anchored into the jawbone they feel, work and look just like a real tooth. Dental implants can replace one or more missing teeth and securely hold dentures and bridges in place.

When teeth are missing, the bone around the missing space begins to recede over time. By placing a dental implant in the area this will prevent bone loss and help keep the adjacent teeth healthy as well as preserving natural gum shape.

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Replacing amalgam fillings

Fillings are one of the most basic methods of restoring teeth. They do exactly what their name suggests – they fill a hole in the tooth that has been caused by decay and they play an important role in helping us keep a tooth for many more years.

In the past, fillings were always made from either gold or a silver-coloured alloy called amalgam. Both of these materials are extremely durable and in some cases, they are still the best choice available.

Amalgam fillings do however have one disadvantage – they do not match your natural white teeth in appearance. The Priory Dental Practice Harborne we also offer white or composite fillings which give you a more natural smile.

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Unfortunately, sometimes a tooth cannot be saved and it will be necessary to remove it. At The Priory Dental Practice Harborne, we will do everything we can to make you as comfortable as possible during the procedure.

After the extraction, it is important that you follow the advice given by your dentist to ensure the area heals as quickly as possible. Sometimes it may be necessary to remove a tooth because of disease, trauma or crowding.

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Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatments are carried out when the inside of the tooth (the root or pulp) becomes infected or damaged.

Infection and damage to the root can be very painful, creating inflammation with the risk of severe pain and swelling. Root canal treatment eliminates the cause of the pain by completely removing the diseased or damaged tissue from the tooth. The root canal is meticulously cleaned, shaped and decontaminated, before securely filling it back up with a durable, inert material. This means you can be pain free whilst still keeping your original tooth.

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